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Rebeka Jewelry

Cameo jewelry

Cameo jewelry
The label REBEKA JEWELRY was originated by the gifted designer REBEKA BEN HAIM. The shop specializes in handcrafted jewelry made by hand while maintaining meticulous finish and superb quality of the jewelry product. Each
Cameo jewelry is produced with accuracy and precision for the miniscule fine points. REBEKA’s jewelry pieces are glistening and inset with Rebeka’s unique stones; sometimes I like to use original, high quality gemstones, on other occasions I am merging them with Rebeka stones, or as it can happen I am only using the crystals. This way, the cameo bracelet will regularly display wholly original gemstones or only Rebeka stones or both crystals and gems. The brand was registered by Rebeka Crystal Worldwide; as a result, every jewelry product has a label by Rebeka and with its .

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